The Pitkin Ave BID is now home to interns, Katie Raffa and Tracey McDonough. Both enjoy their work immensely (and are not paid to say this... in fact they are not paid at all. -ed.). Katie, a super intern, has been working alongside Kat Rutkin since September 2009. She is sophomore at Pace University. At Pace she studied Political Science and is currently participating in the Model UN program in which she along with classmates will represent Haiti. Following are her comments about her experience with the Pitkin Ave BID...
Being an intern means learning things from Kathleen, meeting new people everyday. I get to work on a variety of events and see how great the end product is. Seeing how happy it makes people is incredibly rewarding for me. Being an intern means going to a place I would have never gone to previously and meeting many people I would have never had the chance to work with in a non traditional environment. I've invaluable work experience and had a lot of fun. I look forward to applying all the skills I have learned with Kathleen to the real world/next level.
Tracey McDonough, a very recent addition to the team is excited to develop an event from the start and see the final product. Tracey is also a Political Science student at Pace University. She will with Katie represent Haiti this year. Originally, from San Diego she is especially excited to travel to different neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Following are her comments on being an intern with the Pitkin Ave BID...
Having participated with Shop Brooklyn and the Christmas Tree lighting I looks forward to upcoming events such as It's My Park Day in May. Being new to any kind of urban development makes learning about the process in coordinatingcommunity events thrilling. As Katie had mentioned I too agree that the smiling faces of all the children and families at the Christmas Tree lighting were most rewarding. Taking the time to carefully craft programs and events for neighborhoods is time and energy well spent.
To see pictures from the Christmas Tree lighting visit http://pitkinbid.org/pdf/pitkin-treelighting09.pdf
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